231111自由+中央社+台北時報 指出房價高、租屋黑市、房屋稅低3困境 時力發表居住政見 政府挹注社會住宅 採輪候制提高公平性

231111自由+中央社+台北時報 指出房價高、租屋黑市、房屋稅低3困境 時力發表居住政見 政府挹注社會住宅 採輪候制提高公平性


時代力量今(11)日舉辦「居住正義 力來守護」政見發表會,由發言人余佳蒨、不分區立委參選人王寶萱、陳泰源發表時代力量居住政見,並邀請OURs都市改革組織政策研究員廖庭輝與談,展現時代力量長期推動房市改革的決心。......↓



王寶萱則指出,除了透過稅改抑制炒房、囤房和健全租屋市場之外,更必須提出符合社會正義的社會住宅政策。時代力量就社會住宅的「供給總量」、「可負擔性」、以及「社區共榮據點」三大面向提出具體政策。在供給總量上,台灣目前社宅占比連1% 都不到,遠遠落後歐洲先進國家,相比鄰近的亞洲國家,如韓國(6.3%)、日本(5%)一樣是敬陪末座。











時代力量發言人余佳蒨、不分區立委參選人王寶萱與陳泰源等人,今天舉辦「居住正義 力來守護」2024時代力量政見發表會。余佳蒨說,台灣房市房價高、租屋市場不透明且房屋稅制過低,多數台灣民眾面臨買不起、租不到的居住困境。










NPP issues housing policy platform

TAXES ARE KEY: The NPP aims to lower housing prices through three proposals, while blasting opposition political parties for lack of action or implementation
By Lin Che-yuan and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The New Power Party (NPP) issued its housing policy platform yesterday, citing measures that seek to lower housing prices, make the housing rental market more transparent and hike housing taxes, which it said would reduce housing speculation and promote housing justice.

Party spokeswoman Yu Chia-chien (余佳蒨) said the party’s policy platforms aim to resolve the three main difficulties faced by Taiwan’s housing market.

Yu panned the housing policies and platforms presented by the Democratic Progressive Party government and other parties’ presidential candidates as “empty slogans and numbers,” adding that the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party lacked the resolve to enforce or implement their policies.

New Power Party members hold placards at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

NPP legislator-at-large candidate Wang Pao-hsuan (王寶萱) said the government should provide more than just shelter when planning social housing, and should strive to create a social community that would answer the needs of child and elderly care, and facilities for youth innovation.

The community should be self-managed by the residents to reinforce grassroots democracy and ensure a coliving and coprosperous community, she added.

NPP legislator-at-large candidate Chen Tai-yuan (陳泰源), a senior housing sales agent, said that President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) had pledged in 2015 to “increase the costs of owning [multiple] houses,” but had waited until this year to issue a draft act, adding that the Executive Yuan’s version proposed a far less punishing tax rate than the NPP version, which pushed for a tax rate of 2.4 percent to 10 percent.

The tax rate under the House Tax Act (房屋稅條例) sits between 1.5 percent to 3.6 percent.

He said that the Executive Yuan’s draft act’s regulations against those owning more than one residence was nothing but a “slap on the wrist” when compared with the NPP version, which proposed increasing tax rates for empty housing.

The NPP also pushed to have a real-estate assessment committee formed by professionals and experts.

Chen said that more than 70 percent of landlords were not paying taxes while benefiting from rent income, adding that many tenants were afraid of applying for subsidies, fearing landlords’ retaliation by increasing the rent or refusing to continue the lease.

Chen suggested that Taiwan could reference Japan’s Land and Building Leases Act, which would give the current tenant priority when considering whether to continue the lease after the contract has come to term, adding that the act also stated that landlords were prohibited from taking back the property without a good reason and could not adjust the rent without a factual basis.

